Diary of a Fat Girl: How I Lost 140 Pounds, Overcame Binge Eating Disorder, and Learned to Love Myself After Weight Loss Surgery
is available for only 99 cents on Amazon!
And get the free video at LisaSargese.com
You'll get a subscribers-only video with the exact methods I used to get me out of the wheelchair, off my ass, and into the world working toward my best health!
What the reviews say about
Diary of a Fat Girl: How I Lost 140 Pounds
"A sincere and heart felt story that shows the reality behind weight loss surgery that is often glossed over and ignored in the media. Lisa maintains a joy within herself that finally wins over all her hardships. Great read."
- Sal Canzonieri of Jindao Life Systems
"This is a gutsy book! Engaging and sometimes difficult to read thinking that Lisa was actually living this, feeing this. Lisa has taken everything that's inside her, the good and the challenging, and shared it for everyone to see...there is no magic bullet, only hard work, determination, and unending desire to accomplish your goals."
- A.J. Kelton, Director of Emerging and Instructional Technology
"This book is a hard hitting, emotional, and honest revelation of Lisa's ups and downs of dealing with lifelong food and body issues. You have never read the inner workings of a woman's mind and emotions quite like this. Yes, sometimes it is disturbing, other times is is heartbreaking, but it is always honest."
- Diane Rosenblatt, former Weston A. Price chapter leader
"This is more than a book about weight loss. This is the story of a woman's journey to heal herself from abuse, and to finally be able to claim who she is without judgement... She doesn't sugarcoat the recovery process after weight loss surgery, and allows the reader to gain a little more insight into what led her to gain the weight and the barrier extra weight provides between an abused child and the world they consider to be unsafe."
- Callyn T
"...heart-felt narrative..."
- Kay the Fay
"... highly recommend it to anyone who likes in depth psychological narrative. This writer has a marvelous youtube channel which goes into great depth about her childhood growing up with an abusive mother..."
- H. Leuze
On sale for less than a buck!